May December Love Affair is My December -

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May December Love Affair is My December

May December Love Affair

May December Love Affair

I have a favorite rock band which sings lines that would mention, "... on a Valentine's day..." but the song itself is not even about Valentine's. Then there is another that would mention December but is not even about the aforementioned month. Anyway, the analogy is that December is synonymous to sadness probably because it snows during the time and snow denotes sadness.

What I may write about is about my own December, not the sadness but that it rhymes with  May December love affair  between an older woman and a much younger man. What I think of it are these: child abuse, taking advantage of a less mature minded person; grotesque, for when both get older the boy remains young and fresh and the girl becomes old and brittle; and if I may add, there is hidden agenda sometimes if not always from one or both parties, i.e. pride for the lady or some sort of reward for the gentleman in monetary form maybe.

When we look at the other side of the coin though, heaven knows there may indeed be boys who may actually believe that age doesn't matter and may even be more financially secure than the girl. Thus, the existence of May December love affair. We see this everyday in people we know, work with or in those who we look up to at the movies or so. To conclude, what if the May December love affair was your story? #

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