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Time Travel Love Story

It is impossible in terms of time and space to retell a time travel love story because what had been lost is forever lost in this mortal earth. May those we love whose far gone rest in the peace they have away from sinful bodies. I did not intend to let the grieving hurt more by this thought; this is not about it to begin with.

There was just a love song which sings about turning back time to undo all that was done to be with this beloved one again. What I will write about may as well point back to previous entry on the what ifs questions of life. I may sound like a bitch stealing whatever joy other forlorn lovers may have in the memory of a beloved whether mortally gone or may just be physically in the arms of another. But truth remains, as I mentioned that all which is gone is gone for good and no time travel love story is possible. 

There is no point in inventing a time machine to turn back time for there is only one flow to which time run. You cannot run back ways or sideways (regardless of the theories scientific people will ever come up with). Time only flows forward.

So why not you look forward to something can do in the future for this beloved? Let them be who find bliss in reminiscing a lost love (again physically or mortally) remain in innocent bliss and relive whatever memory there was of whoever love they long not to forget. But for those who actually in terms of time of space is still capable of doing something about the future, do what they may and can actually do.

I, for one am not a melodramatic person who fills my thoughts with a lost love or so. I would rather just accept whatever end there is to an episodic love story. If I be strong enough, I will do what I can not to travel back in time but walk side-by-side with time looking forward to a possibly different course in the future. Who knows I may be able to experience a time travel love story myself?

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